Raspberry Pi OS custom build of Debian (Linux). Follow the tarball assisted install for the New Relic Infrastructure Agent on Synology to start monitoring Raspberry Pi devices without Docker.
In this example, I use a Raspberry Pi 4B (8GB) device with Rasbberry Pi OS Lite (32-bit) installed.
Start by enabling SSH on your Raspberry Pi device:
sudo raspi-config
Interface Options
and press ENTER
amd press ENTER
and press ENTER
Next, open your terminal and enter ssh pi@raspberrypi
and your password.
Download New Relic Infrastructure Agent. In this case, my Raspberry Pi 4B uses an ARM Cortex-A72 processor, so we’ll need to download the ARM agent (not AMR64 agent, since our operating system is 32-bit). If you downloaded the ARM64 infrastructure agent and installed that instead, the service fails to start. (ARM and ARM64 variants of the New Relic Infrastructure agent are also available here):
sudo curl https://download.newrelic.com/infrastructure_agent/binaries/linux/arm/newrelic-infra_linux_1.20.6_arm.tar.gz --output newrelic-infra_linux_1.20.6_arm.tar.gz
sudo tar -xf newrelic-infra_linux_1.20.6_arm.tar.gz
Append your New Relic license key (or edit in vi
, nano
, etc.):
echo "license_key=\"a1b2c3d4e5f6g6h7i7j8k9l0m9n8o7p6q5r4NRAL\"" | sudo tee -a ~/newrelic-infra/config_defaults.sh
Run installer script:
sudo ~/newrelic-infra/installer.sh
Check if service is running:
sudo systemctl status newrelic-infra
If service is not running, try restarting:
sudo systemctl restart newrelic-infra
echo "enable_process_metrics: true" | sudo tee -a /etc/newrelic-infra.yml
and restart serviceYou may want to configure how frequently samples are taken for infrastructure processes, or limit processors with 0 memory to lower data ingests. Check the New Relic documentation for the default sample rates. The snippit below sets process samples to every 60 seconds.
echo "disable_zero_mem_process_filter: true" | sudo tee -a /etc/newrelic-infra.yml
echo "metrics_system_sample_rate: 60" | sudo tee -a /etc/newrelic-infra.yml
echo "metrics_network_sample_rate: 60" | sudo tee -a /etc/newrelic-infra.yml
echo "metrics_process_sample_rate: 60" | sudo tee -a /etc/newrelic-infra.yml
echo "metrics_storage_sample_rate: 60" | sudo tee -a /etc/newrelic-infra.yml
Ideally, CPU% min, max, and average should be more or less the same to indicate balanced load.
SELECT average(cpuPercent), min(cpuPercent), max(cpuPercent) FROM SystemSample WHERE entityName = 'raspberrypi' timeseries
The average load refers to the average number of system processes, threads, or tasks that are waiting and ready for CPU time, in the last 1, 5, 15 minutes.
SELECT average(loadAverageFifteenMinute), average(loadAverageFiveMinute), average(loadAverageOneMinute) FROM SystemSample WHERE entityName = 'raspberrypi' TIMESERIES
SELECT average(memoryUsedBytes), average(memoryCachedBytes), average(memorySharedBytes), average(memorySlabBytes) FROM SystemSample WHERE entityName = 'raspberrypi' TIMESERIES
SELECT average(diskUsedPercent) FROM StorageSample WHERE entityName = 'raspberrypi' FACET entityAndMountPoint TIMESERIES
SELECT average(readWriteBytesPerSecond OR readBytesPerSecond+writeBytesPerSecond) FROM StorageSample WHERE hostname = 'raspberrypi' FACET entityAndMountPoint TIMESERIES
SELECT average(transmitBytesPerSecond), average(receiveBytesPerSecond), average(receiveErrorsPerSecond) FROM NetworkSample WHERE entityName = 'raspberrypi' TIMESERIES
SELECT changedPath, summary, changeType, source FROM InfrastructureEvent WHERE entityName = 'raspberrypi' SINCE 72 HOURS AGO
SELECT max(cpuPercent) FROM ProcessSample WHERE entityName = 'raspberrypi' AND processDisplayName != 'newrelic-infra' FACET processDisplayName TIMESERIES
Otherwise, import this dashboard to your New Relic One account without creating these manually: